Sata Jet, NR95 HVLP w/ 1.5 tip. --> ANY GOOD?

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Joined: Mon Feb 23, 2004 9:10 pm
Location: Denver
PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:19 pm
D71, I looked at parts for the Sharpes and the needle covers several different nozzles and caps. The pieces are available separately but still pricey. I was looking specifically at stuff for a Platnium I was considering. The air cap alone was $88, I think.
My philosophy has been to to do my homework as much as possible and buy main line older guns at good prices. I once passed on a gun that several people said was a first generation dog. I've got 3 HVLP guns in addition to a 998 with the big pot. I did a repair the other day and it was nice to have one for the primer, one for the acrylic top coat and still another loaded with blending reducer. My whole collection cost me only about what an Iwata would new. I also have the luxury of not worrying about air so, if its a good gun but an air hog, I'm OK. My big old Binks compressor will keep up about 100 pounds into an open air line.
I don't know if its just professional snobbery but I read a number of painters who don't hold the FinishLine series in very high regard but there is another DeVilbiss gun series, a bit more expensive, that seems to have a first class reputation

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