Nov 2010 - The newly redesigned

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Site Admin
Posts: 3453
Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2003 3:02 am
Location: New York
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 10:44 pm
I actually released a completely new re-design of this site a few days ago, but figured I should let you guys know in case you have not seen it.

If you go to the root: you will see what I mean. Couple of key features I wanted to tell you about:

1. There's a gadget for seeing the latest 30 forum posts, with scroll buttons. Hover your mouse over the title and you'll get a pop-up showing a bit of the text from the post. Click the title to go right into the post / forum. Remember, you still have to be registered and logged in to see the special "Break Room" forum, so posts from that forum will never show up in this gadget.

2. Keep those Member Projects coming! Your member projects will now be featured in a slide-show right on the main page. I'm going back through the Members Projects forum and over time will tag as many of the older projects to this feature as possible. I will also add new projects as they show up.

3. The articles section will become more important over time as key content (which might otherwise be 'stickies' in the Forum) will be placed into articles.

The site is now run completely from a world-class CMS (Content Management System). No static or hard-coded web pages's totally database driven now. This will allow for even more future expansion of content, now that the foundation is in place.

Thanks for your participation.


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