my 6 stage turbine build

Hosted by our own DarrelK - the place to learn about Turbine spray systems.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2024 11:20 pm
Hey everyone, mainly wanted to say thank you for all the info ya'll have posted! I've finally built and used my DIY turbine sprayer. I decided to go with a Fuji T75g along with the amtek 6 stage hvlp motor that others have been using here. I spot primed a few spots on my crown vic project with some urechem epoxy primer and it came out pretty nice. Couldn't have done it without all the info you guys have shared so just wanted to say thanks and also share some pics of my turbine build to provide the next guy with some ideas as well. I'll be painting the whole car with it this month so I'll start a project thread soon. I'm sure I'll have more questions once I start painting and doing the body work. If anyone wants the files to the 3d printed parts, lmk and I can upload em somewhere. Peace!

used a 5 gallon hyper tough bucket from walmart, still gunna add some vents to cover those ventilation holes

the motor fits real nice in there and sits on some cut out 2x4's


3d printed vent for the cooling fan
cooling fan vent

3d printed filter manifold for a 38mm pod air filter, doesn't seam to change the tone of the motor at all when installed so I assume it provides enough air
air filter boot

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 11:48 pm
That 6 stage is a really nice unit, right? Clean sheet of paper design and yes, you would notice a change in the "sound" of the unit when running if it was experiencing any back pressure... Good Job, probably saved yourself $500 to $700....
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 14, 2024 1:03 am
DarrelK wrote:and yes, you would notice a change in the "sound" of the unit when running if it was experiencing any back pressure... Good Job, probably saved yourself $500 to $700....

Ok thanks, that's what I figured about the "sound", and yeah the savings help me justify spending more on other tools that I "need" for the project, **** you harbor freight. lol

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