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old Devilbiss conventional gun cap/tip combos

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:04 am
by bmwr75r

Apologies if resurrecting old q’s but have comeacross an ex boat painters devilbliss 502 and 700 guns. Have 1.1/1.4/1.8/2.5 tips, 62, 43, 80, 704, 797 caps, pressure pots etc. This has been very good gear and make my cheap chinese stuff look lacking. Could someone kindly suggest tip/cap settings for a home 200-300lpm compressor? From what I can see from old gun manuals online setting up suction cups with no43/no62/80caps or use 43 or 70x caps with pressure pots? Caps look very expensive online so interested if you can suggest some setups with what I have to practice base/clear 2k on old bumpers while I get my technique better.



Re: old Devilbiss conventional gun cap/tip combos

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:54 am
by NFT5
Pretty old, mate. But I suspect they're JGA700 and JGX502.

Some of that gun range are still sold, so your best bet might be to call Carlisle Fluid Technologies in Sydney.

Back in the day I was using Star, since I couldn't afford Devilbiss, but they were pretty good guns. All High Pressure though, so that little 300lpm compressor will struggle since those guns need a lot more than that, 500-600lpm and at 50psi.

Can't really compare them to modern guns which have really high transfer rates and huge, big wide fans. But the old guns are still good for industrial applications.

Caps and tips should be obvious for each gun since they should only fit one. I'd see what fits and, starting with the smallest tip, crank that little compressor up to at least 45psi and do some test sprays on paper to see what works together. Use some cheap acrylic basecoat which is the type of paint that they would have been using except for the bigger tips which would have been primer or spray bog.

Re: old Devilbiss conventional gun cap/tip combos

PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 12:26 am
by bmwr75r
Thanks mate