old Devilbiss conventional gun cap/tip combos

Apologies if resurrecting old q’s but have comeacross an ex boat painters devilbliss 502 and 700 guns. Have 1.1/1.4/1.8/2.5 tips, 62, 43, 80, 704, 797 caps, pressure pots etc. This has been very good gear and make my cheap chinese stuff look lacking. Could someone kindly suggest tip/cap settings for a home 200-300lpm compressor? From what I can see from old gun manuals online setting up suction cups with no43/no62/80caps or use 43 or 70x caps with pressure pots? Caps look very expensive online so interested if you can suggest some setups with what I have to practice base/clear 2k on old bumpers while I get my technique better.
Apologies if resurrecting old q’s but have comeacross an ex boat painters devilbliss 502 and 700 guns. Have 1.1/1.4/1.8/2.5 tips, 62, 43, 80, 704, 797 caps, pressure pots etc. This has been very good gear and make my cheap chinese stuff look lacking. Could someone kindly suggest tip/cap settings for a home 200-300lpm compressor? From what I can see from old gun manuals online setting up suction cups with no43/no62/80caps or use 43 or 70x caps with pressure pots? Caps look very expensive online so interested if you can suggest some setups with what I have to practice base/clear 2k on old bumpers while I get my technique better.