Paint job with electric spray gun...

Any questions about tools or supplies. Post your compressor/gun questions here.

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:47 am
Yes, I know it's far from ideal, but I'm retired and on a limited fixed income, so that's that.

I have a month before I give it a go, have watched every available youtube video on the subject and now looking for any available advice there is.(other than "don't do it :roll: )

Ordered this gun as it claims to work well with oil based paint.

Was figuring something in a fine rustoleum or the like.

Primer first..??
Clear coat on top..??
Better paint choices..??
Am I even asking the right questions..??

Thanks in advance...

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PostPosted: Thu May 18, 2023 7:40 pm
Ive watched guys spray garage doors with those units,easy control, didn't have much overspray.Doors are textured though.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 7:22 am
myke wrote:Ive watched guys spray garage doors with those units,easy control, didn't have much overspray.Doors are textured though.

Textured, is that what I've heard referred to "orange peel"...??

My issue is cost, and from what I understand to do a job with a compressor I need at the very least a 20 gallon compressor and a gun that can be quite pricey too.

This of course is the crux of the matter. I would of course prefer not to have this orange peel effect I've heard about.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:45 am
Rickkins wrote:
myke wrote:Ive watched guys spray garage doors with those units,easy control, didn't have much overspray.Doors are textured though.

Textured, is that what I've heard referred to "orange peel"...??

My issue is cost, and from what I understand to do a job with a compressor I need at the very least a 20 gallon compressor and a gun that can be quite pricey too.

This of course is the crux of the matter. I would of course prefer not to have this orange peel effect I've heard about.

The doors have a textured finish so much easier to paint,body panels that are dead flat are much harder and need the right equipment.
Save your money.

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 10:29 am
As for materials, you will regret going cheap as they will not hold up long.

DarrellK is the guy to talk to about Turbines and alternate spray guns.
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2023 4:22 pm
Ugghhhh.... that is just about the most primative turbine sprayer I have ever seen. There is a good reason it has an 8 foot long air hose....that's because the turbine in that housing can't support anymore than 8 foot and still keep a 2 to 4 psi cap pressure going without overheating. Good turbine systems support a minimum of 25 feet of hose. Our pro duty ones can handle 75 to 100 feet and can still push 10 psi at the cap.
Stain a fence?....that's your boy.....paint some lawn furniture, yep, can do. Dragging that thing around doing a whole car?....nope, can't see it. You might do a fender, a door, a panel and get by....oh, and orange peel, with an enamel, get ready for buckets of it.....
A Shop-Vac, using it's output, would run rings around that thing.....
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PostPosted: Sun May 21, 2023 8:20 am
Yea, I've given up the idea of painting my vehicle...

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